12 mars 2011

Dates for german tour

YSF&IW will go on tour throughout Germany.

These are the dates:

2011.04.28: Hamburg - Astra Stube

2011.04.29: Bielefeld - Bunker Ulmenwall

2011.04.30: Biberach - Kulturhalle Abdera

2011.05.01: Trier - Casino

2011.05.02: Heidelberg - Häll

2011.05.03: Offenbach - Hafen 2

2011.05.04: Münster - AMP

2011.05.05: Berlin - NBI

2011.05.06: TBA

2011.05.07: Greifswald - Mensa

Check out www.yousayfrance.com for more updates.

11 mars 2011

YSF&IW at Umeå Open

YSF&IW will play at the Swedish festival Umeå Open on Saturday (April 2), amongst other great bands like Bob Hund, Adam Tensta, Daniel Adams Ray, Miss Li and - of course - Robert Svensson.


4 mars 2011

Oh Mio Dio - it's a soundtrack!

L'espresso, one of the biggest newsmagazines in Italy, made a video that summarize the Milano Fashion Week. You Say France & I Whistle got the honour to be the soundtrack. And there's also a lot of pictures of us playing at the Costume National runway show. Check it out: http://espresso.repubblica.it/style_design/lista/video

1 mars 2011

When Lovers Die on Indie Disko Top 40

The song "When Lovers Die" entered the German Indie Disko Top 40 chart on #25 yesterday, in good company next to Arcade Fire. The band hope all you german fans have a crazy time on the dancefloor listening to them.